The "Tsukino Kaeru x Mori Pearl First Collaboration Exhibition" finally begins this weekend.
In preparation for this event, we will be sharing with you in this staff blog the origins of why we wanted to collaborate, as well as our impressions of Tsukino Kaeru's work.
I met contemporary artist Tsukino Kaeru around late November 2022.
They attended an event held at our gallery.
I was away at a meeting when I received a call from a staff member and hurriedly slipped out to say hello.
(First impression: positive)
A few days later, I heard that Tsukino's work, which he was exhibiting at a gallery in Ginza, had won the grand prize, so I had the opportunity to see his work for the first time.
There were lots of colorful flower shaped parts inside.
(Impression [Flower])
Perhaps it had touched my own subconscious, because I immediately contacted Tsukino and was given the opportunity to visit his studio in January of the following year.
In this new space, the parts, tools and space needed to assemble the piece (a representation of the artist's style) were neatly arranged.
(Impression [Meticulous])
His wife offered us coffee, and we spent the next two hours talking at a rapid clip, introducing ourselves to each other, sharing our personalities and thoughts, and the conversation never stopped.
At that moment, I felt like I was seeing the other side of the light I had felt in my first impression.
It felt more like an underlying identity rather than a two-sided concept, and I felt like I was able to sense the world I was expressing even more deeply.
(Impression: Unusual, Humorous)
This kanji character "shi" is written as "to see through the eyes of others," and rather than "seeing" objectively, it gives the impression that it is being filtered by the "I" mind.
My first impression when I "looked" at Tsukino's work was "flower."
Some of them are literally shaped like flowers, and the colors are pop and vivid.
It was the very definition of “gorgeous = beautiful.”
However, after talking to him, I learned that the message behind the work was not just that it was "beautiful," but rather that "don't just look at what you can see."
My impression from a pure perspective.
My impression when I saw it after learning the meaning.
Furthermore, if you look at the works while feeling and thinking, you will make many new discoveries.
A conversation begins within me, it's a lot of fun, and it's layered pop art that I want to look at with my heart forever. That's the work of Tsukino Kaeru.
Please come to the venue and see it with your own eyes.
And if you are fortunate enough to have the artist present, please listen carefully to what Tsukino has to say.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Mori Pearl Fujii
Tsukino Kaeru x Mori Pearl Collaboration Exhibition "Drops of the Moon"
Dates: November 4th (Sat) - 12th (Sun), 2023
*Closed on November 8th (Wednesday): 12:00-18:00 Location: Mori Pearl Shop & Gallery 1-12-11 Muromachi, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
For more details about the collaborative exhibition, please click here .